Cancer is affecting anyone in the community, directly or indirectly. Come and join us at CAN-Ex, on Saturday 19 October at Deakin University to find out what treatment options and service of supports are available in the Great South Coast region. Meet the medical experts during the Q&A session, gain practical information about exercise, emotional wellbeing, social connection, navigating the health system and more in participating in workshops. Registration is essential to secure your participation as places are limited. Visit our exhibition space where more than 30 exhibitors are showcasing their activity and what kind of support they can provide. Local support group and foundations will be on display beside Cancer Council Victoria and CanTeen. Walk through a giant knitted bowel to learn about what is happening in the gut when cancer develops. Participate in various activities such as a free yoga class (registration is essential), come and try on the C Dragon boat (weather permitted), do some arty/crafty activities for every age, express yourself on the Wall of thoughts. Visit the Colour Angel with your young ones. Come and join us at CAN-Ex for a day because cancer is not an end and knowledge and awareness are the beginning of the fight against it.