Warrnambool | A City for Living

Brophy Family & Youth Services

Brophy Family & Youth Services is the primary provider for youth services in South West Victoria. 

Brophy originated in 1974, over the years it has developed a comprehensive range of services for the homeless, young people and families. 

The agency provides regional services to Portland, Hamilton, Camperdown and Warrnambool through its outreach programs.

Main office is located in Warrnambool with sub-regional offices situated in Hamilton and Portland. 

Our Vision 

We will strengthen the capacity of youth, enrich the lives of individuals and families, and build the connections in our communities throughout South West Victoria. 

Our Mission 

Our mission is to provide community based services that promote a just society and improve the life circumstances for people who are vulnerable and disadvantaged, especially those who are experiencing homelessness, family violence, marginalisation or disconnectedness. 

Our Values 

  • Social Justice Promoting justice, social fairness and human rights. 
  • Professionalism Practicing in an ethical, respectful and inclusive manner. 
  • Empowerment Strengthening and enabling individual and community decision-making. 
  • Responsiveness Responding in a timely, engaging and respectful manner. 
  • Partnership Striving for shared connections to create better client outcomes.