Warrnambool | A City for Living

Basalt to Bay Landcare Network

Our Mission: We connect the Moyne and Warrnambool communities to promote, conserve, restore and recreate an ecologically sustainable and economically viable natural environment. 

1. Inspire, lead, educate, & support landholders, Landcare and community groups through linking them to resources and building community collaboration 

2. Showcase and celebrate the achievements of individuals, Landcare, and local groups in natural resource management. 

3. Secure investment for strategic projects and facilitation. 

4. Facilitate on-ground projects which improve biodiversity, habitat connectivity, and assist landholders to increase productivity and land health. 

WE are always keen to connect with people who have skills in Natural Resource Management, farming, science. Much of our work is voluntary and diverse. Check out some of our former projects on Youtube. 

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