Warrnambool | A City for Living

Association of Independent Retirees

The Association of Independent Retirees (A.I.R.) Ltd is a member-driven national, not for profit, non-political organisation which works to advance and protect the interests and independent lifestyle of Australians in retirement. A.I.R. seeks to secure recognition and equity for Australians who, through their diligence and careful management, fully or partly self-fund their own retirement needs. 

Membership of A.I.R. is open to retirees, semi-retirees, persons approaching retirement and corporate entities. The Warrnambool Branch has been active for 22 years and meets on the 4th Friday of each month, 10am to 1200, in the Uniting Church Hall, Koroit St., Warrnambool. Interested guests are welcome. 

Regular segments at meetings include an investment/finance group, travel advice and presentation by an invited speaker covering a range of relevant topics such as estate planning, health matters, transitioning to aged care facilities, transport, safety, and Centre Link benefits. Current Federal advocacy by the National Executive on behalf of self-funded retirees (SFR) include the following matters: # federal budget anomalies impacting SFRs # submission to Treasury's "Re-Think Taxation" discussion paper # membership of The National Aged Care Alliance # improvement of the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records program. Warrnambool and all branches of A.I.R. have opportunity to influence the National Executive's activities and submissions to Government. 

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