Please tick the skills you are able to volunteer in
Please write no more than 30 words - long answers may not be read

Once you click Submit below, your information will be sent to Volunteer CONNECT.

Thank you for registering your interest in volunteering to help the community following the St Patrick’s Day fires in Victoria’s South West Region..

Volunteer CONNECT is working to match volunteers who are ready, willing and able to help, with the communities impacted by fire.

Emergency relief and recovery work can take weeks, months and sometimes years. It requires the coordinated effort of many different skills and resources to support affected communities.

We also know from experience that it can take time to work out how to most effectively use the power of volunteers in relief and recovery work. Bear in mind that just because an emergency has occurred, we may not call you. We will only call you if your skills, location and availability match the needs of a community’s request for volunteers – and it may be some weeks after the emergency has occurred.

However, your skills, time and enthusiasm are important, and we appreciate your patience.

Get Connected!